Showing all 6 results
5310 Goldbonder
Gold-Ball-Bonding for wires from 17,5 to 50 μm
5330 Thin Wire Wedge Bonder
Aluminum- and Goldwires from 17,5 to 75 μm
and ribbon up to 250 x 25 μm -
5350 Heavy Ribbon
Heavy Ribbon bonding for Al ribbons up to 2 mm width
5380 DIE Bonder
Bond- and pickup force from 5 up to 500 CN
53XX BDA – Ball-Deep Access
90° Wire orientation for Aluminium- und Gold wire from 17,5 bis 75 µm
F&S Bondtec 5350 Heavy Wire Bonder
Heavy wire bonding for copper & Aluminium wire from 100 up to 300 & 500 µm diameter